Бро, мы уже обсуждали важно ли снимать клип на трек и условились, что видео имеет делать больший смысл, если композиция заряжена на успех.
We are always happy to see the the success of our musicians and always support their efforts! ALBaALBa recently released the premiere of the video for the track “Ubila”. This is his first single, which just shot like a cannon ball! This video has received over 135K views on YouTube! No wonder, since the video itself is very intriguing: this is a story about the confrontation between good and evil, heaven and hell. There is death, rebirth, love and betrayal.

Don’t waste your time, and go watch the video right away. Try to figure out the sacred meaning put by the author? Can you solve this riddle?
We can’t wait to know what AlbaAlba is cooking moving further! Something will definitely burst into the industry so abruptly, ready to conquer it again and again! There is some insider’s info that a full-fledged album is already in works, but when will he release it? Stay tuned!
Please enjoy this awesome vid!